Relationship between dexamethasone-inhibited lysozyme activity in peripheral mononuclear leukocytes and the cortisol and glucocorticoid receptor response to dexamethasone

Abstract The assessment of lysozyme activity in mononuclear leukocytes (MNLs) following the in vitro administration of dexamethasone (DEX) provides a measure of peripheral glucocorticoid sensitivity. The goal of the present study was to determine the relationship between the IC 50 of lysozyme activity following such challenge, and the cortisol response to oral administration of 0.50 mg DEX in 18 healthy subjects. The results demonstrated a robust association between the IC 50 and both cortisol decline and percent suppression of cortisol in response to low-dose DEX. However, this measure was uncorrelated with pre or post DEX cortisol levels or GR number. The high correlation between the inhibitory effect of DEX on lysozyme synthesis and two measures reflecting cortisol suppression in response to oral DEX reflects the similarities of GC responsiveness in both in vivo and in vitro models, and suggests that the in vitro assessment of lysozyme activity in MNLs may be useful in the study of neuropsychiatric or other clinical disorder.
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