Biotechnology and Public opinion: The results of a citizens’ jury case study

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) have been a controversial topic in recent years: while the scientific community has largely accepted the validity and safety of using this biotechnology in the food industry, public opinion still shows a certain suspicion and fear. The legislator is interested in knowing how public opinion could be engaged and what policy decisions regarding the assessment of the risks and benefits of GM animals and derived products might be addressed. This paper focuses on a CitizensJury event organized in Parma (Italy) in 2012 in the context of the EU project PEGASUS (Public Perception of Genetically modified AnimalsScience, Utility and Society, 7th FP). The main goal of the CitizensJury was to address public perspectives and demonstrate ‘best practice’ in public engagement in order to develop future policy recommendations regarding innovation in the area of GM animals. The process, the potential role of citizensjuries as a technique for engaging with the public about the development and application of Genetically Modified (GM) animals in the food and pharmaceutical industry and significant results are presented here. In particular, two case studies have been presented: growth-enhanced GH transgenic salmon and polyclonal antibodies from transgenic rabbits.
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