A smart design: Response to reinforcement-based treatment intensity among pregnant, drug-dependent women

Results: Those who had Tvi were more likely to have ever used crack, powder cocaine,marijuana, heroin, speedball, and other opiates. They were also more likely to have been diagnosed with hepatitis B (HBV), gonorrhea (GC), syphilis, Chlamydia (CT), HPV, herpes, and yeast infection. For those who had been tested for other infections, there was a significant association with hepatitis B. Themultivariatemodel included GC (OR=2.9), Black vs. Hispanic (OR=2.6), crack (OR=2.4), CT (OR=2.2), Syphilis (OR=1.8), andHPV (OR=1.6). Conclusions: The associations of Tvi with drugs other than crack, and with HBV, herpes, HPV, and yeast infection in the US is a contribution to new knowledge and clarifies the risk profile for this infection. Financial support: The project describedwas supported in part by Award Numbers R01DA030234 from the National Institute on Drug Abuse, P20MD003942 from the National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities, and ID10-CSULB-008 from the California HIV Research Program. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors anddoes not necessarily represent the official viewsof theNational Institute onDrugAbuse, theNational Institute ofMinority Health andHealth Disparities, the National Institutes of Health, or the California HIV Research Program. NIDA, NIMHD, or CHRP had no role in the study design, collection, analysis or interpretation of the data, writing the manuscript, or the decision to submit the paper for publication.
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