A new species of the genus Islamia Radoman, 1973 (Gastropoda: Hydrobiidae) from Spain

catalaEs descriu una especie nova del genere Islamia Radoman, 1973 per a Espanya, concretament a la Comunitat Valenciana. Es tracta de la primera especie del genere coneguda al territori, la qual es pot diferenciar de les altres especies conegudes per la morfologia de la conquilla. La font de la troballa presenta un altre mol·lusc endemic conegut; es tracta per tant d’un espai de gran interes per la malacofauna estigobiont. EnglishA new species of the genus Islamia Radoman, 1973 is described for the Valencian Community in Spain. This is the first species of this genus discovered in this territory, and it can be distinguished from other known species by the morphology of the shell. The spring where it was found has another known endemic mollusc, thus being a place of high interest for the stygobiont malacofauna.
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