La iglesia del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús en Elche. Un ejemplo de la introducción del hormigón en la arquitectura sacra

RESUMEN La iglesia del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus (Alicante, Espana), es quizas, el edificio proyectado por el arquitecto D. Antonio Serrano Peral cuyo valor arquitectonico es menos conocido y reconocido en el ambito de la historia de la arquitectura de la ciudad. Sin embargo, su construccion constituye un interesante ejemplo de arquitectura sacra, como reconocio el jurado del Ministerio de Educacion Nacional en 1957, en la exposicion nacional de bellas artes, al conceder al arquitecto la medalla de primera clase en la seccion de Arquitectura por la citada obra. Al analizar la historia de la construccion de la iglesia y sus sistemas constructivos se detecta que el trazado de la planta sigue el modelo arquitectonico de cruz griega de Santa Sofia y que la cupula introduce el hormigon, conviviendo con mamposteria y fabrica de ladrillo. PALABRAS CLAVE: Arquitectura sacra, patrimonio historico, materiales de construccion, hormigon. ABSTRACT The church of Sagrado Corazon de Jesus located in Elche (Alicante, Spain) is perhaps the building designed by the architect Antonio Serrano Peral whose architectonic value is least well-known and least recognized in the field of the architectural history of the city, as it should have had. However, its construction is an interesting example of religious architecture, being recognized by the jury of the Ministry of National Education in 1.957 at the National Exhibition of Fine Arts, where the architect was prized with the first class medal in the architecture section, due to the mentioned design. Thanks to the analysis of the church?s building history and the used construction?s systems, it is detected that the layout of the floor is based on the Greek cross constructive model of Santa Sofia, detecting also the introduction of concrete in the Byzantine dome, getting along with masonry and brick factory. KEY WORDS: Sacred architecture, historical heritage, building materials, concrete.
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