Producción de ovejas Milchschaf en un sistema lechero en pastoreo

espanolSe evaluo la produccion y aptitud al ordene mecanico en 148 ovejas Milchschaf en pastoreo, encarneradas en marzo, esquiladas preparto, con destete de corderos a los 10 kg y posterior ordene a maquina dos veces al dia durante 100 dias. Se determino peso y condicion corporal, indicadores reproductivos, produccion y composicion de la leche, celulas somaticas (RCS) y prevalencia de mastitis. La aptitud al ordene mecanico se evaluo en 10 ovejas determinandose: leche extraida a maquina (LM), apurado a maquina (LAM), repaso manual (LRM) y leche residual (LR) luego de la inyeccion de oxitocina. El peso a la encarnerada fue de 54,55±6,39 kg y la condicion corporal de 2,59±0,44, los que descendieron durante el periodo de ordene (P EnglishAn experiment was conducted to evaluate production and milkability of 148 Milchschaf ewes on pastures, mated in march, shorn prepartum, the lambs weanned at 10 kg and thereafter twice a day milking for 100 days. Bodyweight and body condition were determined as well as reproductive performance, milk production an composition, somatic cell count (RCS) and prevalence of clinical mastitis. Milkability was evaluated in 10 ewes, the following fractions were volumetrically measured and sampled: machine milk without stripping (LM), machine milk after stripping (LAM), residual hand milked (LRM), residual after injection of oxytocin (LR). At mating bodyweight was 54.55±6.39 kg, body condition score was 2.59±0.44, both diminished during milking period (P
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