Comparison of two weeks versus one week of prenatal ethanol exposure in the rat on gonadal organ weights, sperm count, and onset of puberty

Abstract Sprague-Dawley dams from Harlan Ind. (Indianapolis, IN) were administered a fortified ethanol liquid diet containing 35% ethanol derived calories for two weeks (E-2) beginning on day 7 or one week (E-1) beginning on day 13 of gestation and continuing through parturition. Control dams were pair-fed an isocaloric liquid diet containing no ethanol during these periods or remained on lab chow and water. E-2 dams consumed an average of 13.52 g ethanol/kg bwt during the first week of exposure (days 8–14) and 12.50 g ethanol/kg bwt the second week (days 14–20). E-1 dams consumed significantly less than E-2 dams during the second week (9.75 g/kg; p p p
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