A visão utópica da CEPAL e a desigualdade de renda no Brasil

EnglishIn 2014, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) stated that a development strategy aimed at greater economic equity, greater social justice and greater environmental protection could be adopted in several countries in Latin America – a scenario which however has been disfigured in recent years. This article thus has three objectives: (1) to analyze the utopian character of ECLAC’s agenda for the promotion of more egalitarian societies in Latin America; (2) to list the main determinants of the reduction of income inequality in Brazil in the period 2004-2014; and (3) to examine the interruption of the trajectory of reduction of income inequality – from the 2016 political coup and the approval of neoliberal reforms that increased the precariousness of jobs and weakened the social protection system –, as evidence of the interdiction of an inclusive development strategy in Brazil. francaisEn 2014, la Commission economique pour l’Amerique latine et les Caraibes (CEPALC) a declare qu’une strategie de developpement visant a une plus grande equite economique, une plus grande justice sociale et une plus grande protection de l’environnement pourrait etre adoptee dans plusieurs pays d’Amerique latine – un scenario qui s’est toutefois defigure ces dernieres annees. Cet article a donc trois objectifs : (1) analyser la nature utopique de l’agenda de la CEPALC pour la promotion de societes plus egalitaires en Amerique latine ; (2) enumerer les principaux determinants de la reduction des inegalites de revenus au Bresil au cours de la periode 2004-2014 ; et (3) examiner l’interruption de la trajectoire de reduction des inegalites de revenus – depuis le coup d’Etat politique de 2016 et l’approbation de reformes neoliberales qui ont accru la precarite de l’emploi et affaibli le systeme de protection sociale – comme preuve de l’interdiction d’une strategie de developpement inclusif au Bresil. portuguesEm 2014, a Comissao Economica para a America Latina e o Caribe (CEPAL) afirmava que uma estrategia de desenvolvimento direcionada para maior equidade economica, maior justica social e maior protecao ambiental poderia ser adotada em varios paises da America Latina – um cenario que, no entanto, se desfigurou nos ultimos anos. Este artigo tem assim tres objetivos: (1) analisar o carater utopico da agenda da CEPAL para a promocao de sociedades mais igualitarias na America Latina; (2) elencar os principais determinantes da reducao da desigualdade de renda no Brasil no periodo 2004-2014; e (3) examinar a interrupcao da trajetoria de reducao da desigualdade de renda – a partir do golpe politico de 2016 e da aprovacao de reformas neoliberais que aumentaram a precariedade dos empregos e enfraqueceram o sistema de protecao social –, como evidencia da interdicao de uma estrategia de desenvolvimento inclusivo no Brasil.
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