Electro-optic sampling of terahertz pulses using BaTiO 3 in non-collinear Cherenkov phase-matching scheme

In this paper we report electro-optic (EO) sampling of THz pulses using ferroelectric crystal in the non-collinear Cherenkov phase-matching scheme, where an effective velocity matching is achieved in an EO crystal with a large refractive index in the THz frequency region. We demonstrate efficient THz EO sampling using LiNbO 3 and BaTiO 3 crystals in the Cherenkov- phase-matching scheme. It is shown that the efficiency of EO sampling with BaTiO3 is smaller than that with LiNbO 3 , even though the EO coefficient (r 33 ) of BaTiO 3 is three times higher than that of LiNbO 3 . The reason of the poor performance of BaTiO 3 is attributed to the strong absorption in the THz frequency region.
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