Общая характеристика, применение в медицине, методы качественного и количественного анализа пентоксифиллина

The article presents an overview of the literature on the application of pentoxifylline for treatment of patients with atherosclerosis. The main emphasis is given to primary and secondary prevention. For this purpose, use a variety of drugs, which have a vasodilator effect, improves microcirculation, metabolism in tissues and blood rheology. The most widely used drug pentoxifylline.The article provides an overview of methods for identification and quantification of pentoxifylline. Also, the basic mechanisms of action of pentoxifylline.However, the use of pentoxifylline requires prolonged treatment course to achieve positive results,and, if not receiving the drug decreases its therapeutic effect. The solution is to develop new and more effective long-acting dosage forms of the drug, which do not require everyday 3 single application.Due to the development of nanotechnology possible to obtain prolonged drug encapsulation method based on polymeric carriers controlled release of active substances.
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