Ocena možnosti razvoja in trženja proizvodov iz bukovine / Development and marketing possibilities of beechwood products assessment

Ce želi lesno podjetje uspesno razvijati in tržiti svoje izdelke, mora pred tem dobro raziskati svoj ciljni trg, posebej se, ce gre za izdelke iz specificne vrste lesa - v nasem primeru iz bukovine. Oblikovali smo tri modele: model za oceno možnosti razvoja izdelkov, model za oceno možnosti trženja izdelkov in model za oceno njihovega tržnega potenciala. Slednjega smo s pomocjo analiticnega hierarhicnega procesa tudi uporabili v raziskavi in na ta nacin prisli do zanimivih rezultatov. Strokovnjaki, ki so sodelovali v raziskavi, izvedeni z AHP metodo, ocenjujejo, da je kakovost najpomembnejsi kriterij pri odlocanju o nakupu izdelkov iz bukovine, drugi najpomembnejsi kriterij je cena, tretji pa ideja. Promocijski splet in dodatne storitve po mnenju v raziskavo vkljucenih strokovnjakov le v manjsi meri vplivajo na odlocitev kupcev o nakupu izdelkov iz bukovine. Vsi trije predstavljeni modeli so lahko dober pripomocek podjetjem, ko se odlocajo za razvoj novih izdelkov in njihovo trženje. If a company in the wood industry wants to develop and market its products successfully, it has to explore its target market well, especially for products from a specific type of wood - in our case, from beechwood. We designed three models: a model for the assessment of the product development potential, a model for the assessment of marketing of product opportunities, and a model for the assessment of product market potential. The latter was used in the study within the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and gave interesting results. Experts who participated in the survey conducted by the AHP method have estimated that the most important criterion while deciding to purchase beechwood products is quality, the second most important criterion is the price, and the third one is the idea. According to the survey, promotional mix and additional services have a minor impact on customer decisions about buying beechwood products. All three presented models can be a good tool that companies can usefully apply when deciding on developing and marketing a new product.
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