System and method for automatically prompting motor vehicle passing stopping way-giving intersection to stop for giving way

The invention provides a system for automatically prompting a motor vehicle passing a sopping way-giving intersection to stop for giving a way. The system comprises two video tracking units, prompting units, and a mark line marked in a privileged passing direction; the system respectively tracks motor vehicles in a stopping way-giving direction and the privileged passing direction; the system can automatically prompt the motor vehicle to stop when the motor vehicle in the way-giving direction gets close to an intersection, and the motor vehicle can be shot if the motor vehicle is not stopped; the system can prompt minimum time duration for stopping, and the vehicle can be shot if the stopping time is smaller than a set threshold value; before the motor vehicle in the way-giving direction goes over a stopping line, the system can detect whether the motor vehicle in the privileged passing direction goes over the mark line or not, if the motor vehicle in the privileged passing direction goes over the mark line, the motor vehicle in the privileged passing direction can enter the intersection firstly, a prompting unit immediately prompt the motor vehicle in the way-giving direction to not go over a stopping and way-giving line, and if the motor vehicle goes over the stopping and way-giving line and the distance between the motor vehicle in the way-giving direction and the motor vehicle in the privileged passing direction is smaller than a set threshold value, the motor vehicle in the way-giving direction is shot, so that the effect of preventing traffic accidents in advance can be achieved.
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