Sampling Schemes for Multidimensional Signals With Finite Rate of Innovation

In this paper, we consider the problem of sampling signals that are nonband-limited but have finite number of degrees of freedom per unit of time and call this number the rate of innovation. Streams of Diracs and piecewise polynomials are the examples of such signals, and thus are known as signals with finite rate of innovation (FRI). We know that the classical ("band-limited sine") sampling theory does not enable perfect reconstruction of such signals from their samples since they are not band-limited. However, the recent results on FRI sampling suggest that it is possible to sample and perfectly reconstruct such nonband-limited signals using a rich class of kernels. In this paper, we extend those results in higher dimensions using compactly supported kernels that reproduce polynomials (satisfy Strang-Fix conditions). In fact, the polynomial reproduction property of the kernel makes it possible to obtain the continuous moments of the signal from its samples. Using these moments and the annihilating filter method (Prony's method), the innovative part of the signal, and therefore, the signal itself is perfectly reconstructed. In particular, we present local (directional-derivatives-based) and global (complex-moments-based, Radon-transform-based) sampling schemes for classes of FRI signals such as sets of Diracs, bilevel, and planar polygons, quadrature domains (e.g., circles, ellipses, and cardioids), 2D polynomials with polygonal boundaries, and n -dimensional Diracs and convex polytopes. This work has been explored in a promising way in super-resolution algorithms and distributed compression, and might find its applications in photogrammetry, computer graphics, and machine vision.
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