Righi–Leduc effect in Y- and Bi-based high-Tc superconductors

Abstract Measurements of the transverse ( k xy ) and longitudinal ( k xx ) thermal conductivity in the superconducting state of single crystals of YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7− δ (YBCO) and Bi 2 Sr 2 CaCu 2 O 8− δ (BSCCO) are presented in applied magnetic fields up to 14 T. We separate the electronic thermal conductivity ( k xx el ) of the CuO 2 -planes from the phononic thermal conductivity ( k xx ph ) using k xy and the magnetic field dependence of k xx . Our main results are: (1) In YBCO k xx el ( T ) shows a pronounced maximum. We attribute this to a rapid increase of the quasiparticle scattering time τ below T c . The maximum of k xx el ( T ) in BSCCO is much smaller due to stronger impurity scattering. The maximum of k xx is strongly suppressed by a magnetic field, presumably because of scattering of QPs on vortices. (2) Our data analysis reveals that below T c a transport ( τ ) and Hall ( τ H ) relaxation time must be distinguished as in the normal state. Whereas τ is strongly enhanced below T c , τ H displays the same temperature dependence as above T c .
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