Leading Coherently: Reflections from Leaders Around the World

Prologue: The Quest Acknowledgements Introduction: Talking Leadership Talking Story Storytellers Storylines Part One: Leadership Formed 1. Exemplary Formations Profiles Government Leaders Non-profit Organization Leaders K-12 Educational Leaders Public Health Leaders Foreign Service Leaders Justice System Leaders Hospitality Industry Leaders Higher Education Leaders Corporate Leaders Fine and Applied Arts Leaders 2. Values and Calling Shaped Formed More Than Born Formed by Family and Community Formed By Culture And Context Formed By Mentors Called Called By Adversity Called By Opportunity Called By Early Work Experience Lessons Learned 3. Commitment Committed Committed Through Confidence Committed Through Consequence Compelled Compelled By Predisposition Compelled By Need And Opportunity Lessons Learned Lessons Learned About Becoming Committed Lessons Learned About Being Compelled To Lead A Lesson Within The Lessons Part Two: Leadership Performed 4. Value Aligned The performance Story Performed As Formed Embedded In Character Acted Out In Behavior Connected To Capacity Lessons Learned 5. In Character Performance Through Force Of Character Humble Respectful Empathetic Trustworthy Passionate Focused Straightforward Tough Contemplative Visionary Meditative Lessons Learned 6. Acted Out Performed Across Fields Of Behavior Community Building Acclimating Matching Empowering Teaming Centering Dialoguing Modeling Thinking Informing Challenging Lessons Learned 7. Capacity Connected Performed Toward Key Connections A Social Connection Meant for Each Other Subject To Leadership Influence An Emotional Connection Moved By The Moment Subject to Leadership Influence A Reflective Connection Manipulated To Advantage Subject To Leadership Influence Lessons Learned Part Three: Leadership Sustained 8. Sustaining Dispositions The Nature of Dispositions As We Are Disposed, So It Goes The Backbone Of Leadership Seven Defining Dispositions Lessons Learned Stepping Up To Sustainability Extending Coherence 9. Sustaining Strategies Nurturing Self Seven Sustaining Strategies Part Four: Leadership Learned 10. A Coherent Story The Bottom Line Know and Nurture the Core Lead Congruently Compound Capacity Expand Consequence A Model Of Coherent Leadership 11. An Ongoing Conversation The Class Act The Current State The Preferred State The Continuing Conversation Epilogue: The Quest References
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