Hypothesis: what mean quantative shifts of electrogenic metals in epidermal cells in the setting of oxidative/nitrosative stress?

The article presents the results of the study of metal-ligand homeostasis (MLH) in the cells of the epidermis at 954 liquidators of accident at Chernobyl NPP and 947 practically healthy persons by means of atomicemission spectrometry and EPR-analysis. Possible connection of redox status with the quantitative shifts in MLH is caused special interest. MLH can be used as discrimination of oxidation/nitrosative stress. Distinctive features of nitrosative stress concerned electrogenic metals (Ca, K, Na) and were found not only among the liquidators of the accident, but some of practically healthy persons. This may indicates the presence in these persons oxidation/nitrosative stress non-radiation nature. Revealed correlation of intracellular production of nitric oxide (NO) with quantitative shifts of electrogenic metals can testify to possible involvement of NO in the generation of electric potential (EP) of cell. Changes of EP on the background of oxidative/nitrosating stress were caused by the concentration shifts of electrogenic metals ions (primarily Ca2+), can, according to the authors, to wear an oscillatory character. The authors explain this by the fact that NO, Fe2+ ions and low-molecular thiols are able to form self-sustaining, self-regulating of chemical system, in which the S-nitrosothiols and dinitrosyl iron complexes with thiol-containing ligands appear continuously. Their mutual transformation provides vibrating level change of these compounds and is related to this process periodic oscillations of contents NO, NO+ (by type of reaction Belousov-Zhabotinsky).
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