Pancreatic beta-cell somatostatin receptors

The characteristics of somatostatin (SRIF) receptors in rat pancreatic beta-cells were investigated using rat islets and the beta-cell line HIT-T15 (HIT). The biochemical properties of the SRIF receptors were examined with 125I-labeled des-Ala-1,Gly-2-desamino-Cys-3-[Tyr-11]- dicarba3,14-somatostatin (CGP 23996). 125I-CGP 23996 bound to SRIF receptors in HIT cells with high affinity and in a saturable manner. The binding of 125I-CGP 23996 to SRIF receptors was blocked by SRIF analogues with a rank order of potency of somatostatin 28 (SRIF-28) greater than D-Trp-8-somatostatin greater than somatostatin 14 (SRIF-14). To investigate the physical properties of the HIT cell SRIF receptor, the receptor was covalently labeled with 125I-CGP 23996 using photo-cross-linking techniques. 125I-CGP 23996 specifically labeled a protein of 55 kDa in HIT cell membranes. The size of the SRIF receptor in HIT cells is similar to the size of the SRIF receptor labeled with 125I-CGP 23996 in membranes of freshly isolated islets, suggesting that the physical properties of SRIF receptors in HIT cells and rat islet cells are similar. The binding studies suggest that beta-cells predominantly express a SRIF-28-preferring receptor. In freshly isolated islets, glucose- and arginine-stimulated insulin release was effectively blocked by SRIF-28 but not by SRIF-14. SRIF-14 did inhibit arginine-stimulated glucagon secretion from freshly isolated islets. The dissociation of the inhibitory effects of SRIF-28 and SRIF-14 on insulin and glucagon release from freshly isolated islets suggests that the two peptides act through different receptors in islets to regulate hormone secretion.
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