Bazı yeni patlayıcı maddelerin termal analiz yöntemleriyle incelenmesi

Bu doktora calismasinda, koordinatif azit grubu bulunduran koordinasyon bilesiklerinin termal parcalanmalarinin incelenmesi planlanmistir. Calismada, uc ve dort disli schiff bazlari ile pirazolil tipindeki ligandlarin Ni(II) ve Cu(II) komplekslerine azit grubunun katilmasiyla elde edilen tek, iki, uc ve dort cekirdekli koordinasyon bilesiklerinin, termal analiz yontemlerinden termogravimetri (TG), diferensiyel termal analiz (DTA) ve diferensiyel taramali kalorimetri (DSC) yontemleri ile incelemesi yapilmistir. Calisilan molekullerdeki toplam azot sayisi, azit grubu sayisi, azit grubunun iki metal iyonu arasinda kopru yapma durumu ve koordinasyon ozellikleri dikkate alinarak termal parcalanmalarin yorumu yapilmistir. Hazirlanan bircok bilesikte, literature paralel olarak yaklasik 200-240?C sicakliklar arasinda azit iyonunun ekzotermik bir tepkime ile parcalandigi gozlenmistir. TG calismalari sonucunda, sadece dimerize olmus ve bir azit grubu iceren iki bilesikte, azit grubunun endotermik olarak, HN3 formunda molekulden ayrildigi ortaya cikmistir. Azit iyonunun termal parcalanmasi sonucunda ortaya cikabilecek urunler kararli ise veya kararli bir ara urun olusma olasiligi varsa, termal parcalanma molekulun butunune yayilmamakta, kararli birimler parcalanmadan kalmaktadir. Buna karsin, koordinasyon bilesiginde azit grubu sayisi yuksekse veya kararli bir ara urun olusumu olasiligi yoksa termal parcalanmanin tum molekulu kapsadigi ve koordinasyon bilesiginin patlayici maddeler gibi davranmakta oldugu sonucuna varilmistir.AbstractIn this dissertation, thermal decomposition of coordination compounds that include azide groups has been studied. Mononuclear, dinuclear, trinuclear and tetranuclear coordination compounds that were obtained with the addition of azide groups to the complexes of tridentate and tetradentate schiff bases and Ni(II) and Cu(II) complexes of pyrazolyl ligands have been examined using thermal analyses methods namely thermogravimetry (TG), differential thermal analysis (DTA) and differential scanning calorimmetry (DSC). Thermal decomposition according to the total number of nitrogen atoms, number of azide groups, bridge position of azide groups between two metal ions and the coordination features in the studied molecules have been taken into consideration during interpretation. Azide ions decompose with exothermal reaction between 200-240?C in many prepared compounds. TG experiments reveal that the azide group separates from the molecule endothermically in the form of HN3 only in two compounds that dimerised and included azide group. As a result of thermal decomposition of azide ion, if the possible products are stable or there is the possibility of stable intermediates, thermal decomposition does not penetrate to the whole molecule and stable units remain without decomposition. On the contrary, it?s concluded that if the number of azide groups are high in the coordination compound or there isn?t any possibility of formation of a stable intermediate thermal decomposition covers the whole molecule and as a result the coordination compounds tend to behave like energetic materials.
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