Avaliação final de clones IAC de cana-de-açúcar da série 1982, em latossolo roxo da região de Ribeirão Preto

Twelve IAC sugar cane clones derived from crossings carried out in 1982, were evaluated from 1990 to 1994, at three sites of the Ribeirao Preto/ region, in Rhodic Hapludox soils. Experimental trials were set up using a complete randomized blocks design, with six replications per site. Cane and sugar yield (t.ha-1), stalk sugar content, stalk fiber content and stalk number were estimated in all four growing seasons. IAC82-2045 the clone significantly outperformed control varieties and other experimental clones regarding yield potential, revealing intermediate sugar content and being proper for mid to late season harversting. Genetic parameter estimates have shown significant genotype x environment interactions, mostly for cane and sugar yield potentials.
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