Age and life histories of black and smooth oreos inferred using bomb radiocarbon dating and stable isotope analysis

Black oreo ( Allocyttus niger ) and smooth oreo ( Pseudocyttus maculatus ) are commercially exploited deepwater fishes in New Zealand. They are considered to be long-lived with unvalidated maximum otolith growth zone counts of 153 years and 86 years, respectively. Bomb radiocarbon dating results supported the otolith age estimates for A. niger , but those for P. maculatus provided only partial support. Oxygen isotope (δ 18 O) results for A. niger otoliths suggested that juveniles were in near-surface waters and adults in depths of 700–1300 m. In contrast, P. maculatus otoliths suggested a variable depth history (500 to at least 1500 m) throughout life. Carbon isotope (δ 13 C) results showed a steady enrichment from core values to c. 20 years for both species, owing to changes in diet and metabolic rate from the juvenile to the adult fish, associated with a depth increase. Von Bertalanffy growth parameters are provided for both species.
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