Field study of energy-efficient showerheads

In August 1991, the Bonneville Power Administration (Bonneville) initiated an energy-efficient showerhead performance assessment project. Approximately 98 homes are participating in this study. All are metered under the Regional End-Use Metering Program (REMP), which is operated by the Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL) for Bonneville. Hourly pre- and post-retrofit electrical water heating consumption data will be analyzed using the REMP data archive. The goal of this study is to identify factors affecting energy savings from retrofit of energy-efficient shower heads which will be used to develop an algorithm'' to credit participants in retrofit programs with savings. This algorithm must be easy to apply, credible, and adoptable to conditions which may vary among utilities in Bonneville's Pacific Northwest service area. This field data collection project was designed to collect information about site and occupant characteristics that may affect participation and performance. These data are used to verify or modify assumptions used in engineering models to project energy savings. Estimates of measure performance based on comparisons of energy use are not included in this paper because sufficient post-retrofit data is not yet available. Field data failed to confirm several critical assumptions used to project energy savings. Showerhead water flow rates and anticipated reductionsmore » from the retrofit measures were less than expected. Participation in this voluntary study was relatively low considering its risk- and cost-free design. Finally, barriers were encountered that prevented retrofits at some participating sites. The cumulative effect of all factors could reduce projected savings 70% over initial engineering estimates, if 100% participation is assumed.« less
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