AnIntegrated FrameworkforTrust-Based Access Control forOpenSystems

An important requirement ofsystems orapplication content-based access tomultimedia information/resources domains inemerging openenvironments isthecapability to [4,23,25,30].As future EMA environments may shareinformation andservices withotherapplication encompass theentire global computing systems including domains that havedifferent sets ofprotection requirements.thecritical infrastructures andmission-critical systems, a Whena domainneedstoallowentities frompreviously lack ofappropriate security measures forsuchenvironments unknowndomains toaccess itsresources, mechanisms canhavedisastrous consequences [3,23].Although should beinplace toallow negotiating trust andservices supporting semantic webtechnologies suchasXML,RDF, basedon thesharing requirements oftheinteractingandOntology languages (e.g., OWL)canfacilitate seamless domains. We emphasize thata holistic framework for service integration andsharing ofmultimedia dataand requirements-driven trust basedsecure interoperation is workflow tasks [4,7],theyareyettobeappropriately or needed tofacilitate interacting domains toaccess each fully utilized tosynthesize aholistic solution tothesecurity other's localresources through accesscontrol policy problem oftheEMA environments. mapping between thedomains. Inthis paper, wepresent our Inthis paper, wepresent ourongoing workrelated toa ongoing workondeveloping acomprehensive framework trust basedaccesscontrol framework foran EMA foratrust based access control forsecure interoperation, environment, whichisa partofthebroader goalof whichtightly integrates role-based access control andinter- addressing thecomplex challenges related tothesecurity, domainpolicy mappingmechanism withanintegrated,privacy anddigital rights management issues ofsuchEMA game-theory basedtrust andservice negotiation process. environments. Theframework isbasedontheGeneralized Theframework beingdeveloped aimstoaddress the Temporal RoleBasedAccess Control (GTRBAC)model complex requirements ofanenvironment that represents the anditsextension Location andTime-based RBAC (LoTconvergence ofgrid, peer-to-peer andmobile environments RBAC)[10]. A keyreason fortaking anRBAC based andworkflow andmultimedia technologies. approach isthat ithasbeenshowntobethemostpromising approach foraddressing thefine-grained access control
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