Zirconium copper-plated nickel ternary amorphous alloy thin film by a magnetron sputtering method on the surface of the zirconium

Method zirconium copper plated nickel ternary amorphous alloy thin film by magnetron sputtering of zirconium surface, comprising the steps of: zirconium - copper target and a nickel alloy target as a sputtering target, the sputtering target material placed in the chamber , the target below the underlaying nickel-titanium target; zirconium surface finely polished, washed and dried, placed in the chamber; closed chamber, the chamber was evacuated to a vacuum degree of 4 × 10-4Pa; to chamber are purged with argon, the vacuum degree of the chamber 0.3-0.35Pa, the bias power supply is turned on, the cleaning bias, the bias power was adjusted to 90 ~ 110V, open the corresponding zirconium - copper alloy target of a DC power supply, power is adjusted 85W, while a nickel target opening RF power, reflected power was adjusted to 1W, RF power of 17-135W, is deposited 20-50 minutes, zirconia - a nickel copper alloy target and the target inclination angle are 45 degrees, the distance of the target group 90mm, sputter off the power end, the surface formed of zirconium zirconium copper-nickel ternary amorphous alloy film.
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