Momentum Distributions of Projectile Fragments from Heavy-ion Peripheral Collisions at 15 MeV/nucleon with Emphasis on Trans-Projectile Isotopes.

This paper presents our recent efforts to study the momentum distributions as well as the production of neutron-rich rare isotopes with heavy-ion beams in the energy region of 15 MeV/nucleon. Experimental cross sections of neutron-rich nuclides from collisions of a 86 Kr (15 MeV/nucleon) beam with 64 Ni and 58 Ni targets are presented. Experimental data were obtained from the previous work of our group with the MARS mass spectrometer at the Cyclotron Institute of Texas AM the deexcitation stage of the excited projectile fragments was described with the statistical binary-decay model GEMINI. The experimental data show an enhancement in the production of neutron-rich isotopes close to the projectile, and interestingly of heavier than the projectile neutron-rich nuclei. The behaviour of the data is relative to the predictions of the CoMD/GEMINI calculation. The study of the momentum distributions offers a novel route to study the reaction mechanism that dominates the production of the fragments of interest in peripheral heavy-ion collisions at intermediate energies. In the future, we plan to analyze experimental data that were obtained from the MAGNEX spectometer at the INFN-LNS in Catania, Italy.
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