MatchBox: A Framework for Dynamic Configuration of Service Matching Processes (Extended Abstract)

The increasing popularity of paradigms like service-oriented computing and cloud com-puting is leading to a growing amount of service providers offering software componentsin the form of deployed, ready-to-use services (Software as a Service, SaaS) [14, 20].In order to discover and select software services, intermediaries apply service matchingapproaches for determining whether the specification of a provided service satisfies therequester’s requirements. There are already lots of different service matching approachesconsidering different service properties (structural, behavioral, and non-functional proper-ties). However, each of these approaches alone is not enough to provide a high matchingresult quality (e.g., accurate matching results) [BOR04].Thus, such approaches should be combined into a more holistic approach leading to moreaccurate matching results. However, this combination is a manual, error-prone procedurewhere many design decisions are made. Furthermore, this procedure has to be repeatedfrequently depending on the context, e.g., to consider different requesters or markets.
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