Imaging through dynamical scattering media by two-photon absorption detectors.

Imaging through a dynamical opaque scattering medium is an almost impossible task, where strong multiple light scattering from moving scatters dynamically prevents imaging formations even with state-of-art techniques like correlation imaging or adaptive optics. Meanwhile, a small number of ballistic photons can still penetrate through but require demanding detection in terms of a ultrashort time gate and high sensitivity. However, visible light is strongly scattered for most of scattering media. Here we experimentally demonstrate a non-invasive coherent imaging scheme based on two-photon absorption capable of imaging through dynamical scattering media with a length equivalent to 28 times mean free paths for single photon transport, where two-photon absorption in a conventional semiconductor photodetector when phase matching is not required works over a wide bandwidth so it can support a fast time gate down to femtosecond level, short enough to distinguish ballistic photons from scattering background, and allows accessing longer wavelengths for deeper penetration. This technique combined with successful optical coherence tomography may pave a new way for imaging through fog, storm, and rain as well as biomedical imaging applications.
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