Changes on pulp and dentin after direct and indirect overlay of alkaline cement

The essence of biological treatment of decay profunda makes the process called 'healing' which is based on stimulation of dentine genetic pulp function, which allows creation of mineralized tissue. Due to experimental research goal was to: (with electronic microscopy scanning and microscopic polarization). Analyze changes on cellular and extracellular components of dental pulp after direct and indirect overlay of alkaline cement (Dycal). Determine the appearance of dentine surface after direct and indirect pulp overlay and form proposition for clinical use of product Dycal if it provides good and efficient dentinogenesis. Research was made on experimental animals (domestic pig).For this research was used alkaline cement Dycal. On experimental group of teeth preparations of Class V was made on vestibular side. Indirect method was used for eleven teeth , and for the other eleven we used direct pulp overlay. After the preparation , dentin was directly overlay with the alkaline cement Dycal . Upon the Dycal , we use Glas ionomercement (FUJI IX GC Japan) and material for definite cavity filling (amalgam). On teeth were the perforation of the pulp chamber was done, Dycal was directly injected into the pulp chamber, and then the base of Glasionomer cement was set over it (FUJI IX GC Japan), and cavity was definitely filled with amalgam. Adequately prepared teeth and pulp were observed with SEM and polarization microscope. The reached results, which we observed and analyzed , in comparing with the control group with the polarization and scanning electronic microscope, we got the results which may have important clinical implication in biological pulp treatment. Dycal directly applied in pulp chamber: boundary was identified between the newly formed reparation dentin and normal dentin structure , degraded shriveled cells are encountered, and cores of calcification are visible, young blood vessels and cells (fibrocystic, hystiocytes and fibroblasts). Indirectly applied Dycal: normal dentin structure is visible, dental tubules are clearly visible , and we can see atubular dental structure, and also picture of dental structure that permeates the acellular pulp tissue ,and hyper cellular on the verge of creating a new dentin and numerous blood vessels. Presence of amorphous calcified dentin structure tells about initial creation of barriers of solid tissues which is the goal of the experiment. Received results of experimental research suggest Dycal like good material for direct and indirect pulp overlay.
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