How to live independently with or without technology

This qualitative study aims to identify how Finnish elderly, aged 65-82, consider technology as part of their life and how the learning of using technology is happening. Thematic interviews were carried out and transcribed to text. Content analysis was done and common elements were found. The analysis was done in researcher triangulation to enhance the reliability of the data extraction. Two main categories were named: lived life and the role of ICT/ICT AT, ICT support and education. We can conclude that the results showed that there is a need to integrate ICT/ICT AT education into the daily life and rehabilitation of elderly. The most common need to use ICT is to be connected and to be able to follow the society. Also open discussion is needed concerning the divide between older and younger citizens. Based on the results the non-users who don't want to use technology also need to be considered in society by developing new service solutions for all. If being positive towards using technology this study showed that ICT skills can positively affect feeling of self-determination and quality of life.
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