Caracterização do perfil auditivo de frentistas de postos de combustível

RESUMO Introducao Pesquisas voltadas para as populacoes com baixas exposicoes a solventes, ou exposicoes dentro dos niveis de tolerância permitidos em âmbito ocupacional ainda sao restritas. Objetivo Caracterizar o perfil auditivo de frentistas de postos de combustiveis. Metodos Estudo transversal, constituido por dois grupos, pareados por genero e idade: Grupo Controle - 23 individuos sem exposicao a ruido ou agentes quimicos; Grupo Experimental - 21 frentistas de postos de combustiveis. Foi realizada avaliacao audiologica, composta por audiometria tonal liminar, logoaudiometria e medidas de imitância acustica. A analise estatistica utilizou calculo de media, desvio padrao, valor minimo e maximo, teste Qui-quadrado e coeficiente de correlacao de Pearson. O nivel de significância adotado foi de 5%. Resultados Foram verificadas alteracoes auditivas nos frentistas, caracterizadas por comprometimento no sistema auditivo periferico, sugerindo acao toxica da exposicao a combustiveis. Houve correlacao entre idade e tempo de exposicao a solvente. Na comparacao entre os grupos, o reflexo acustico demonstrou maior numero de alteracoes no grupo experimental, com diferenca para os reflexos acusticos ipsilaterais da orelha direita e contralaterais da orelha esquerda. Conclusao Nao houve diferenca entre os grupos para os limiares auditivos, porem, a diferenca verificada nos reflexos acusticos ipsilaterais e contralaterais no grupo experimental sugere comprometimento retrococlear. Diante das evidencias observadas neste estudo, considera-se relevante incluir a pesquisa do reflexo acustico na avaliacao auditiva dos frentistas, bem como a integracao desta categoria profissional aos programas de prevencao de perda auditiva. ABSTRACT Introduction Researches into populations with low solvent exposures, or exposures within tolerance levels allowed in the occupational field are still restricted. Purpose To characterize the hearing profile of gas station attendants. Methods Cross-sectional study, constituted of two groups, matched by gender and age: Control Group - 23 subjects without exposure to noise or chemicals; Experimental Group - 21 gas station attendants. An audiological evaluation was performed, composed by pure tone audiometry, speech audiometry and acoustic impedance tests. The statistical analysis used average calculation, standard deviation, minimum and maximum value; Chi-square Test and Pearson’s correlation coefficient. The significance level was 5%. Results Hearing loss was verified in gas station attendants characterized by impairment of the peripheral auditory system, suggesting toxic effects of exposure to fuels. There was a correlation between age and solvent exposure time. Comparing the groups, the acoustic reflex showed more alterations in the experimental group, with a difference for the ipsilateral acoustic reflexes of the right ear and contralateral ones of the left ear. Conclusion There was no difference between the groups for the hearing thresholds; however, the difference observed in the ipsilateral and contralateral acoustic reflexes in the experimental group suggests retrocochlear impairment. Due to the evidence observed in this study, it is considered relevant to include the acoustic reflex research in the auditory evaluation of the gas station attendants, as well as the integration of this professional category into hearing loss prevention programs.
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