Determinación del punto óptimo de cosecha en el lulo (Solanum quitoense Lam. var. quitoense y septentrionale) Determining the proper time for picking lulo fruit (Solanum quitoense Lam. var. quitoense and septentrionale)

This research was aimed at evaluating the physical and chemical characteristics of fruit from two botanical varieties of lulo (Solanum quitoen- se Lam. var. quitoense and septentrionale) growing in Garzon, Huila. Fruit evaluation was based on mean fresh and dry fruit weight, weight loss, fruit firmness, acidity, pH, total soluble solids (TSS), TSS / acidity ratio and days taken from harvesting to ripening. Fruit were harvested at four stages of maturity and exposed to room temperature (30 ± 2°C and 50 ± 5% humidity) and low temperature (13 ± 1°C and 85 ± 2% humidity). Control fruit were harvested at maturity (ripe for consumption). Quality parameters were evaluated when fruit were ripe; these parameters were then compared to con- trol fruit parameters. Time taken from harvesting to ripening and pH were affected by maturity sta- ge. Fruit in early stages of maturity ripened slowly. Maturity stage and storage conditions affected fruit firmness and TSS/acidity ratio. SST was affected by maturity stage and storage conditions. Variety affected fruit acidity. Weight loss was affected by the three evaluated factors. Fruit harvested at bet- ween 50% and 75% maturity showed the best qua- lity characteristics regarding fruit harvested at an earlier stage of maturity.
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