Oceanic response to Pliensbachian and Toarcian magmatic events: Implications from an organic-rich basinal succession in the NW Tethys

The Bachental bituminous marls (Bachentaler Bitumenmergel) belonging to the Sachrang Member of the Lower Jurassic Middle Allgau Formation were investigated using a multidisciplinary approach to determine environmental controls on the formation of organic-rich deposits in a semi-restricted basin of the NW Tethys during the Early Jurassic. The marls are subdivided into three units on the basis of mineralogical composition, source-rock parameters, redox conditions, salinity variations, and diagenetic processes. Redox proxies (e.g., pristane/phytane ratio; aryl isoprenoids; bioturbation; ternary plot of iron, total organic carbon, and sulphur) indicate varying suboxic to euxinic conditions during deposition of the Bachental section. Redox variations were mainly controlled by sea-level fluctuations with the tectonically complex bathymetry of the Bachental basin determining watermass exchange with the Tethys Ocean. Accordingly, strongest anoxia and highest total organic carbon content (up to 13%) occur in the middle part of the profile (upper tenuicostatum and lower falciferum zones), coincident with an increase in surface-water productivity during a period of relative sea-level lowstand that induced salinity stratification in a stagnant basin setting. This level corresponds to the time interval of the lower Toarcian oceanic anoxic event (T-OAE). However, the absence of the widely observed lower Toarcian negative carbon isotope excursion in the study section questions its unrestricted use as a global chemostratigraphic marker. Stratigraphic correlation of the thermally immature Bachental bituminous marls with the Posidonia Shale of SW Germany on the basis of C27/C29 sterane ratio profiles and ammonite data suggests that deposition of organic matter-rich sediments in isolated basins in the Alpine realm commenced earlier (late Pliensbachian margaritatus Zone) than in regionally proximal epicontinental seas (early Toarcian tenuicostatum Zone). The late Pliensbachian onset of reducing conditions in the Bachental basin coincided with an influx of volcaniclastic detritus that was possibly connected to complex rifting processes of the Alpine Tethys and with a globally observed eruption-induced extinction event. The level of maximum organic matter accumulation in the Bachental basin corresponds to the main eruptive phase of the Karoo-Ferrar large igneous province (LIP), confirming its massive impact on global climate and oceanic conditions during the Early Jurassic. The Bachental marl succession is thus a record of the complex interaction of global (i.e., LIP) and local (e.g., redox and salinity variations, basin morphology) factors that caused reducing conditions and organic matter enrichment in the Bachental basin. These developments resulted in highly inhomogeneous environmental conditions in semi-restricted basins of the NW Tethyan domain during late Pliensbachian and early Toarcian time.
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