Forensic features, genetic diversity and structure analysis of three Chinese populations using 47 autosomal InDels

Abstract Insertion/deletion polymorphisms (InDels), which combine the desirable features of both short tandem repeats (STRs) and single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), have become widely used genetic markers for forensic investigations, anthropology and population genetics. The AGCU InDel 50 kit is a newly developed panel that contains 47 autosomal InDels (A-InDels), 2 Y-chromosomal InDels (Y-InDels) and Amelogenin and is designed to provide a higher discriminatory power in Chinese populations compared with the Qiagen DIPplex kit. In this study, 542 unrelated individuals were first genotyped to evaluate the forensic efficiency of this novel panel in three Chinese ethnicities (Hainan Han, Hainan Li and Zunyi Gelao groups). Additionally, genetic relationships among the three investigated populations (geographically close but linguistically different populations: Han and Li; geographically diverse but from the same language family: Li and Gelao) and 31 worldwide populations were analyzed using pairwise genetic distances, multidimensional scaling (MDS), phylogenetic tree, principal component analysis (PCA) and STRUCTURE. The combined powers of discrimination (CPD) for the Han, Li and Gelao groups were 0.999999999999999999635, 0.999999999999999997668 and 0.999999999999999999840, respectively, and the combined powers of exclusion (CPE) were 0.999715, 0.999283 and 0.999575, respectively. The genetic relationship between the Hainan Han and Zunyi Gelao groups was relatively closer than that between the Hainan Li and Zunyi Gelao groups, demonstrating that there was little gene communication between Li and Han living on Hainan Island as well as between Li and Gelao in the Tai-Kadai language family. The aforementioned results suggest that the AGCU InDel 50 kit is an effective tool that is appropriate for personal identification and population genetics.
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