Aprendizaje en cascada de competencias sobre el medio natural. El documental como herramienta

It is carrying out the development of a teaching program of a unit related to the environment in the course of 2nd ESO. Its development is based on government programs and the development of an active and constructivist methodology, justified from the principles of environmental education, and making use of collaborative work. It is proposed as a conductive thread and following these principles, the transmission of values and environmental attitudes through the documentary, as a means of diffusion. Can we transmit values and attitudes through documentary?, is environmental diffusion necessary? Let's find out through this work, because: “En lugar de preparar solo el intelecto y la memoria, debemos considerar tambien el desarrollo de la voluntad, demostrado en la iniciativa y la accion, ya que esa es nuestra tarea principal” Joseph Albers
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