Abstrak.  Siswa di SMA swasta Kabupaten Demak menunjukkan adanya perilaku agresif meskipun sekolah-sekolah tersebut telah melakukan upaya untuk menghindarkan siswanya dari perilaku agresif. Ini berarti siswa pada SMA swasta masih memiliki emosi yang kurang stabil dan cenderung memperlihatkan adanya perilaku agresif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran agresivitas remaja di Sekolah Menengah Atas Swasta Kabupaten Demak. Jenis penelitian ini yaitu deskriptif kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa SMA Swasta Kabupaten Demak. Teknik sampel yang digunakan adalah cluster random sampling sehingga jumlah sampel yang diambil sebanyak 305 siswa yang berasal dari 9 SMA Swasta di Demak. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan skala agresivitas remaja diadaptasi dari Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire Scale (BPAQ). skala agresivitas remaja terdapat 29 aitem dengan 26 aitem yang valid dan 3 aitem yang gugur. Reliabilitas skala agresivitas remaja dengan koefisien sebesar 0,890. Analisis data menggunakan teknsik statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) Agresivitas remaja pada siswa SMA Swasta di Demak secara umum tergolong dalam kategori sedang cenderung ke rendah. (2) Agresivitas remaja pada siswa SMA Swasta di Demak berdasarkan empat aspek pembentuk yaitu physical agression dalam kategori rendah cenderung ke sedang sedangkan aspek verbal agression, anger dan hostility berada dalam kategori sedang cenderung ke rendah. Aspek yang tertinggi dari siswa sebagai bentuk agresivitas adalah hostility sedangkan aspek terendah yaitu physical agression. (3) Agresivitas remaja berdasarkan asal sekolah yang memiliki tingkat agresivitas tertinggi adalah SMA Pembangunan Demak dengan kategori sedang dan agresivitas terendah adalah SMA Abdi Negara dengan kategori rendah cenderung ke sedang. Abstract.  Students at Demak Public Private High School demonstrate aggressive behavior even though the schools have made efforts to prevent their students from aggressive behavior. This means that students in private high school still have less stable emotions and tend to show aggressive behavior. The purpose of this study was to find out the description of aggressiveness of adolescents at Private High School Demak District. This research type is descriptive quantitative. The population in this study is all high school students Private Demak District. The sample technique used is cluster random sampling so that the number of samples taken as many as 305 students from 9 private high 80 schools in Demak. The data collection method using adolescent aggressiveness scale was adapted from Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire Scale (BPAQ). Questionnaire aggressiveness scale adolescents there are 29 items with 26 valid items and 3 items that fall. Reliability scale aggressiveness adolescents with coefficient of 0.890. Data analysis using descriptive statistical technique. The results of this study indicate that (1) aggressiveness of adolescents in private high school students in Demak generally fall into low to moderate category. (2) The aggressiveness of adolescents in private high school students in Demak is based on four aspects of physical agression in the low category tend to moderate while the aspect of agression, anger and hostility are in the moderate to low category. The highest aspect of the student as a form of aggressiveness is hostility while the lowest aspect is physical agression. Aggressiveness of adolescents based on the origin of schools that have the highest aggressiveness level is the High School of Demak Development with the medium category and the lowest aggressiveness is the low to medium moderate high school Abdi Negara. The advice given is that schools need to provide direction and guidance periodically so that students can reduce aggressive behavior. directives through training and guidance in addition to BK teachers, guidance also needs dilakukkan by parents of students. For the aspect of hostility as the highest aspect of aggressiveness, students need to actively follow religious activities or discussions such as spiritual extracurricular and discussions of Islamic studies in order to form positive thoughts. The next researcher also needs to add another variable that is predicted to affect aggression in adolescents.
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