Analisis Perbandingan Pendapatan Usahatani Antara Pola Tanam Padi-Padi dan Padi-Jagung di Kecamatan Bambel Kabupaten Aceh Tenggara

Abstrak. Saat ini para petani di Kabupaten Aceh Tenggara banyak menanami tanaman padi pada lahan sawahnya dikarenakan  masuknya varietas bibit unggul serta pengairan untuk mengairi sawah petani sudah sangat baik. Hal ini sangat berbanding terbalik pada beberapa tahun yang lalu dimana saluran irigasi tidak tersedia dengan baik sehingga petani banyak membudidaya tanaman jagung pada lahan sawahnya. Namun demikian, sebagian besar petani masih membudidaya tanaman jagung pada lahan sawahnya dikarenakan faktor lahan yang mendukung untuk ditanami jagung serta kebiasaan petani sendiri dalam mengusahakan lahannya untuk menanami tanaman jagung.  Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan pendapatan usahatani antara pola tanam padi-padi dan padi-jagung di Kecamatan Bambel Kabupaten Aceh Tenggara. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survey, wawancara, observasi dan kuesioner serta kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata pendapatan usahatani per hektar yang menggunakan pola tanam padi-padi sebesar Rp 48.672.779 per Ha/MT dan Rp 48.810.638 jika digabungkan maka sebesar Rp 97.483.417,58 per tahun dan yang menggunakan pola tanam padi-jagung sebesar Rp 49.324.627 per Ha/MT dan Rp 19.438.487 per Ha/MT jika digabungkan maka sebesar Rp 68.763.113,07 per tahun. Dari hasil yang diperoleh dari perhitungan perbandingan menunjukkan bahwa X 1 > X 2 dimana dari hasil perhitungan menggunakan statistik uji t didapat nilai t hitung > t tabel (11,358 > 2,013) dengan derajat kebebasan (df) = 46 dan taraf nyata (α) = 0,05, dengan demikian terima Ha tolak Ho, yaitu Pendapatan usahatani pola tanam padi-padi berbeda dibandingkan dengan padi-jagung yakni pendapatan usahatani pola tanam padi-padi lebih besar dibandingkan dengan pola tanam padi-jagung. A Comparative Analysis Of The Income Of Farming Between Planting Patterns Of Rice-Rice And Rice-Corn In Southeast Aceh Regency Bambel Abstract. Currently, farmers in Southeast Aceh Regency cultivate many rice crops in their fields due to the inclusion of improved varieties of seeds and irrigation to irrigate rice fields of farmers have been very good. This is very reversed in the past few years where irrigation channels are not available so well that many farmers cultivate corn crops on their paddy fields. However, most farmers still cultivate corn crops in their paddy fields due to land supporting factors for cultivating maize as well as farmers' own habits in cultivating their land for cultivating corn crops. The purpose of this research is to know the difference of farm income between paddy-rice and paddy-rice pattern in Bambel District of Southeast Aceh Regency. The research method used is survey method, interview, observation and questionnaire and quantitative. The result of the research shows that the average of farm income per hectare using rice cropping pattern of Rp 48,672,779 per Ha / MT and Rp 48,810,638 if combined is Rp 97,483,417,58 per year and using rice cropping pattern corn amounting to Rp 49,324,627 per Ha / MT and Rp 19,438,487 per Ha / MT if combined then amounted to Rp 68,763,113,07 per year. From the results obtained from the comparative calculation shows that X 1> X 2 where from the calculation using t test statistics obtained tcount> ttable (11,358> 2.013) with degrees of freedom (df) = 46 and the real level (α) = 0.05, with thus received Ha Ho stall, ie Rice farming income pattern of rice-rice is different compared with the rice-maize income rice farming pattern-rice is greater than the pattern of rice-corn planting. Abstract. Currently, farmers in Southeast Aceh Regency cultivate many rice crops in their fields due to the inclusion of improved varieties of seeds and irrigation to irrigate rice fields of farmers have been very good. This is very reversed in the past few years where irrigation channels are not available so well that many farmers cultivate corn crops on their paddy fields. However, most farmers still cultivate corn crops in their paddy fields due to land supporting factors for cultivating maize as well as farmers' own habits in cultivating their land for cultivating corn crops. The purpose of this research is to know the difference of farm income between paddy-rice and paddy-rice pattern in Bambel District of Southeast Aceh Regency. The research method used is survey method, interview, observation and questionnaire and quantitative. The result of the research shows that the average of farm income per hectare using rice cropping pattern of Rp 48,672,779 per Ha / MT and Rp 48,810,638 if combined is Rp 97,483,417,58 per year and using rice cropping pattern corn amounting to Rp 49,324,627 per Ha / MT and Rp 19,438,487 per Ha / MT if combined then amounted to Rp 68,763,113,07 per year. From the results obtained from the comparative calculation shows that X1> X2 where from the calculation using t test statistics obtained tcount> ttable (11,358> 2.013) with degrees of freedom (df) = 46 and the real level (α) = 0.05, with thus received Ha Ho stall, ie Rice farming income pattern of rice-rice is different compared with the rice-maize income rice farming pattern-rice is greater than the pattern of rice-corn planting.
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