Problématique du recensement des tradipraticiens en santé mentale au plateau dogon de Bandiagara, Mali

Abstract Collaboration with traditional health practitioners (THP) necessarily involves their inentory, which requires the implementation of sociocultural approach strategies of the THP. The objective was to describe the strategies that made it possible to identify THP in the Dogon Plateau of Bandiagara. The census from the administrative list of influential people This list had enabled the census of THP at the level of each sub-prefecture. The census based on consultations activities from 1990 to 2002 The section on therapeutic routes in patient files allowed us to draw up a list of THP with their main contact details. Visits to these THP, had made it possible to identify a certain number. The census of by the associations of Traditional Health Practitioners from 2002 to 2016 Existing associations have identified other THP during this period. From 1986 to 1990 : 312 THP including 27 in mental health identified in the region. Among these THP, 87 including 9 in mental health identified in the Dogon Plateau and 8 THP associations formed by THP in mental health. From 1990 to 2000 : the THP of 8 existing associations identified over THP, and the number of associations increased to 12 in 2000 then to 20 in 2002 with respectively 67, 95 and 156 members including 15 THP in mental health. From 2002 to 2016 : 31 federated associations with more than 700 members including 20 in mental health. The census of THP, is an essential period allowing to establish a climate of confidence, essential for a future better collaboration. The first contact must require mutual respect, friendliness and humility. Keywords : Census of Traditional mental health Practitioners- Issue - Dogon Plateau of Bandiagara- Regional Center of Traditional Medicine of Bandiagara - Mali
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