The Role of Dynamic Posturography as a Screening Test

At a meeting of the Western Section of the Triological Society in Laguna Niguel, Calif, Richard L.Vorhees, MD, Seattle, Wash, discussed his experience with dynamic posturography since September 1986. This test has undergone further development since first reported by Norman Nashner, PhD, in 1970. Two assessments are studied with the test, the Sensory Organization test, designed to assess the sensory control of posture, and the Movement Coordination test, for appraisal of motor responses used to maintain balance. Abnormal Sensory Organization test results reveal central or peripheral vestibular deficits. Abnormalities in latency or symmetry of movement responses (Movement Coordination test) show pathologic findings in the brain stem, spinal cord, or peripheral nerves. The present clinical form of the test uses a platform on which the subject stands facing a visual-surrounding environment that can be freely moved with the platform. The platform and visual-surrounding environment can be sway referenced independently (two-dimensional recording
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