Anualmente, cerca de um bilhao de pessoas desenvolve infeccao por Giardia intestinalis . Os estudos existentes ainda sao inconclusivos quanto a gravidade da infeccao e resistencia medicamentosa . Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os sinais clinicos e estimar a resistencia medicamentosa de Giardia intestinalis em camundongos Swiss oralmente infectados. Os animais foram infectados com cistos de Giardia intestinalis e posteriormente tratados com metronidazol, nitazoxanida, albendazol e secnidazol. Apos o inicio do tratamento, os animais foram avaliados quanto aos sinais clinicos, foi realizado o hemograma e amostras de fezes foram coletadas para contagem de leucocitos. Apos a terapia, foram coletadas amostras de fezes para analise parasitologica e extracao do DNA com amplificacao do gene glutamato desidrogenase (GDH), pela reacao em cadeia da polimerase (PCR), em caso negativo este fator foi considerado como controle de cura. O metronidazol curou 100% dos animais, enquanto a nitazoxanida e o secnidazol, 87,5% e o albendazol curou 62,5% dos animais. Observaram-se diferencas nos sinais clinicos entre os grupos quanto a ingesta de racao, agua, ganho de peso, erecao de pelos, fezes diarreicas bem como sangue nas fezes de alguns animais. Nao foi observada presenca de leucocitos fecais, nem diferencas quanto aos aspectos sanguineos. Giardia intestinalis e infectante para camundongos Swiss e nao apresenta caracteristicas patogenicas. O metronidazol e a melhor opcao terapeutica para o tratamento desta parasitose. INFECTION BY Giardia intestinalis : EVALUATION OF THE CLINICAL SIGNS AND DRUG RESISTANCE IN SWISS MICE  Annually, around one billion people develops infection by Giardia intestinalis. The existing studies have been inconclusive as to the severity of the infection and medicamental resistance. This study aimed to value the clinical signs and to appreciate the medicamental resistance of Giardia intestinalis in Swiss mice in front of antiparasitic. The animals were infected by cysts of Giardia intestinalis and subsequently treated with metronidazole, nitazoxanide, albendazole and secnidazole. After the beginning of the treatment, the animals were evaluated as for clinical signs, was performed CBC and stool samples were collected for leukocyte count. After therapy, samples of feces were collected for parasitological analysis and DNA extraction and amplification of the gene glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH), by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), in negative cases this factor was considered as control healing. The metronidazole cured 100 % of the animals, while nitazoxanide and secnidazole, 87.5% and the albendazole has cured 62.5% of animals. Differences were observed in clinical signs between groups regarding the intake of feed, water, weight profit, hairs erection, diarrheal feces and bloody feces in some animals. There was no presence of fecal leukocytes, or differences in the aspects of blood. The Giardia intestinalis is infective to Swiss mice and it has not characteristics pathogenic. Metronidazole is the best therapeutic option for the treatment of this parasitosis.
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