Tumor anterior de rodilla como forma de presentación de un quiste sinovial gigante

Case ReportWe present the case of a 91 year old woman without knownchronic diseases.Assignificanthistoryshehadbeendiagnosedwitha lipoma in the right knee extensor region over 60 years ago, butdid not provide evidence or reports related to the diagnosis. Thepatient consulted because the lesion had changed color becomingmore violet in recent months, had increased in size and preventedher fromkneellingcomfortably.Throughoutthewholeprocess,thelesion was never painful.Physical examination revealed a soft consistency tumor of con-ical shape with a base circumference of 8cm and a height of6 cm located in front of the patellar tendon. The tumor was pain-less, apparently not dependent of deep tissue and had no localheat. At its distal region thin, purple and scaly skin could be seen(Fig. 1).The mobility of the knee joint was not compromised andthe tumor did not move during the performance of knee flexormovement. The remaining physical examination was not rele-vant.During radiological examination of the knee we observedthat the tumor was of soft tissue in origin, showed noradiopaque images inside and respected the integrity of thepatellar tendon.Otherfindingshighlightedadegreeofosteoarthri-tis and the presence of radiological signs of atheromatosis(Fig. 2).Ultrasound examination of the lesion showed heteroechoiccontent that moved under pressure exerted by the probe orby the examiner. Studying the patellar tendon from the lateralapproach demonstrated their integrity and no relation to thetumor.
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