Evaluation of ERTS-1 imagery for mapping Quaternary deposits and landforms in the Great Plains and Midwest

The author has identified the following significant results. Maps of 1:1 million scale exemplifying the first phase of investigation were prepared for ten study areas (mostly 1 deg x 2 deg in area): 2 in Kansas, 1 in Missouri-Kansas, 2 in Nebraska, 1 in South Dakota, 3 in Illinois, and 1 in Iowa-Illinois (a total of 13 such maps, covering about 97,000 sq. mi., since the start of the project). Collection of all pertinent published geologic-terrain data also has been completed for all the study areas for which these first-phase maps have been made. The ground truth data are being used in combination with additional interpretation of the repetitive ERTS-1 images of most of these study areas to prepare enhanced information maps at 1:500,000. For areas that have not been mapped at 1:500,000 or larger scales, the maps will provide the first moderately detailed information on landform features and surficial materials. Much of the information mapped is significant for exploration and development of ground water (and locally petroleum) and for applications in engineering and environmental geology, and land use patterns as indicated by tone and texture on the images. Numerous moraines have been identified; also, the trends of parts of ancient filled valleys have been identified. Valley alinement appears controlled by faults or other structural lineaments.
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