163 Appreciating Historical Racial and Ethnic Nuance in Developing Novel Approaches to Effective Communication of Mental Illness in the Black Community.

There are many barriers to mental health care in the Black Community. These barriers lead to racial disparities in access to treatment and quality of life, along with inappropriate treatment and misdiagnosis in mental and physical health. These disparities directly lead to increased morbidity, mortality and poor mental health in the our communities. Many would question if Black people are not interested in mental health and don't see it as a needed concern. This talk will address that all cultures are not the same and that there is a fundamental need to address communities on their terms and not make them conform into a "majority culture" approach and perception of mental health care, but rather focus on the individual patient and community needs for mental health care. Often psychiatrists and other mental health professionals are trained in a very academic scientific approach to identification and treatment of mental illness. Too often this model does not fit the needs of all patients due to it not taking into account ethnic differences in communication of mental health and desired outcomes of the patient. This often leads to a lack of understanding on with both sides, the mental health professional and the patient. Too often a patient may see the physician, be given a diagnosis, starts taking a prescription, but then not be able to explain what is their diagnosis, the name of the medication, what it is for, nor what is the medication supposed to do for them. This could lead to unexpected poor outcomes due to the lack of effective communication. This talk will attempt to explain the barriers of communication to the Black community while appreciating and supporting cultural nuance and effective communication. This is needed to help bring mental health to the community in a digestible way and to meet the communities needs on their level. To do this, psychiatry needs to shift it's focus to understanding cultural characteristics, such as how Black patients may have different cultural needs and may benefit from a unique, customized approach to their mental health. There is a need for psychiatry to take into consideration the spiritual aspects of patients and how many focus not only on needing to improve themselves, but also on how their mental health and behavior are impacting their family and the community as a whole. The traditional model of interview, diagnosis with medication, and follow up for medication adjustment is not fitting all communities leading to the detriment of their mental health.
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