Diseño de un curso en modalidad virtual bajo la visión de Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos

espanolEste articulo describe un proyecto dirigido a disenar un curso bajo la modalidad de aprendizaje virtual, aplicando la metodologia denominada Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (ABP) y tecnicas de gestion de conocimiento. Es una investigacion cualitativa de nivel descriptivo, que analiza seis asignaturas equivalentes al curso de Diseno y Evaluacion de Proyectos, operando en modalidad e-learning durante el periodo de analisis 2020-2021, debido a la contingencia sanitaria del COVID-19. Se entregan recomendaciones para mejorar la capacidad de analisis del proceso ensenanza aprendizaje y la preparacion del curso bajo la modalidad de aprendizaje virtual por parte del educador. Asi como tambien una secuencia de diseno de rubrica adecuada para la estrategia elegida. Un aporte es el uso de la plataforma como un modelo de prospeccion tecnologica, que podria ser transferido a asignaturas transversales e integrativas con estrategia de aprendizaje experiencial. Futuros trabajos, deberian profundizar en el rol de tutor en modalidad de aprendizaje virtual, aplicando ABP, y tambien el uso de modelos de arquitectura hibridas de sistemas de aprendizaje virtual, con procesos de retroalimentacion sistematica. English Engineering education faces the challenges of the engineering profession in the 21st century and the gradual process of virtualization of courses. Engineering teachers will need to continue to learn new approaches to teaching and learning. That is why, as society has become more complex, and in response to globalization, universities have been forced to rethink and adapt the contents of the study programs, and train engineers who teach, both theoretically as in practice. This article seeks to design and implement a course under the e-learning modality, applying the Project-Based Learning (PBL) methodology and knowledge management techniques. It is a qualitative research of descriptive level, which analyzed 6 equivalent courses of "Project Design and Evaluation" in engineering programs of a University operating in e-learning mode during the analysis period 2020-2021 (due to the COVID-19 health contingency). Recommendations are given to improve the ability to analyze the teaching-learning process and the preparation of the e-learning course by the engineering teacher. As well as an appropriate rubric design sequence for the chosen strategy. One finding is the use of the platform as a model for technological prospecting, which could be transferred to transversal and integrative subjects with an experiential learning strategy. Future works should delve into the tutor role of the engineering teacher in e-learning / PBL modality, and also the use of hybrid architecture models of e-learning systems, with systematic feedback processes.
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