Review on the Monograph Historical Minerageny volumes 1-3, 2005-2008 by N. N. Zinchuk, A. D. Savko, and L. T. Shevyrev; Voronezh State University

A major review of the deposits of mineral resources of all ages and all types on the Earth’s surface has recently been published. Data on the main types of metallic and nonmetallic deposits of the world from the Archean to the Cenozoic are systematized. The huge body of data is of considerable importance both for the comprehensive analysis of mineragenic pro� cesses and for revealing geodynamic trends in the crust and mantle, as well. The material is presented in three volumes. Volume 1 is concerned with a global review of the data on the spatiotemporal distribution of mineral resources; Vol� ume 2 is devoted to the mineral resources of ancient platforms; and Volume 3 comprises a description of deposits in mobile belts (fold regions). The descrip� tions of objects (deposits and their groups) are system� atic, complex, and comprehensive. A convenient hier� archic system is elaborated for easy orientation among the multitude of different objects. The succession of “mineragenic process” (forma� tion of metallic and nonmetallic mineral resources) is considered in two dimensions. The first coordinate— type of geodynamic settings—is expressed in the data arrangement by volumes: the first volume is devoted to global trends in the distribution of deposits; the second volume deals with deposits on platforms; and the third volume concerns deposits in orogenic belts. The sec� ond coordinate is distribution in time according to the basic orogenic epochs: Early Precambrian, Riphean (Late Precambrian), Caledonian (Early Paleozoic), Early Hercynian (Middle Devonian–Early Carbonifer� ous), Late Hercynian (Middle Carboniferous–Middle Triassic), Kimmerian (Late Triassic–Jurassic), Early Alpine (Cretaceous), and Late Alpine (Cenozoic). Voluminous factual material is generalized in the
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