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Pénfigo vulgar en un perro

espanolSe describe un caso de penfigo vulgar en un perro Pastor aleman, macho, de 8 anos. El examen fisico mostro lesiones eritematosas, vesiculares y ulcerativas en la cavidad oral, en diversas zonas de la piel y en las uniones cutaneomucosas de la nariz, del prepucio y del ano. A la vista del cuadro clinico, del estudio histopatologico y del test de inmunofluorescencia directa se establecio un diagnostico de penfigo vulgar. El tratamiento se baso en la administracion oral de prednisona, azatioprina, amoxicilina-acido clavulanico y vitamina E. Al cabo de tres meses las lesiones remitieron completamente. En la actualidad el animal se encuentra clinicamente controlado con prednisona a una dosis de mantenimiento de 0,5 mg/kg/2 dias. * A case of pemphigus vulgaris is described in an 8 year oId, male German Shepherd. Physical examination revealed erythematous, vesicular and ulcerative lesions in the mouth, in different areas of the skin and in the cutaneous-mucosal junctions of the nose, prepuce and anus. Based upon clinical findings, histopathological study, and direct immunofluorescent test a diagnosis of pemphigus vulgaris was established. Treatment was based on oral administration of prednisone, azathioprine, amoxycillin-clavulanic acid and vitamin E. Complete remission was observed at three months. Presently the animal is clinically controlled with prednisone at a maintenance dose of 0,5 mg/kg on alternate days. EnglishA case of pemphigus vulgaris is described in an 8 year oId, male German Shepherd. Physical examination revealed erythematous, vesicular and ulcerative lesions in the mouth, in different areas of the skin and in the cutaneous-mucosal junctions of the nose, prepuce and anus. Based upon clinical findings, histopathological study, and direct immunofluorescent test a diagnosis of pemphigus vulgaris was established. Treatment was based on oral administration of prednisone, azathioprine, amoxycillin-clavulanic acid and vitamin E. Complete remission was observed at three months. Presently the animal is clinically controlled with prednisone at a maintenance dose of 0,5 mg/kg on alternate days.
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