Fokus masalah penelitian ini adalah guru kurang memahami kurikulum dan pembelajaran pemahaman konsep matematis di SD, yang menyebabkan rendahnya pemahaman konsep matematis peserta didik. Guru pun kurang memahami tujuan pembelajaran matematika di SD salah satunya membentuk dan mengembangkan pemahaman konsep matematis (cara berpikir ilmiah) pada peserta didik. Hal ini membawa dampak pada implementasi kurikulum dan pembelajaran dalam mengembangkan pemahaman konsep matematis belum dapat dilakukan secara optimal. Proses pembelajaran matematika kurang optimal karena guru belum menyusun rancangan kurikulum dan pembelajaran sebagai pedoman yang akan digunakan pada proses pembelajaran serta kurangnya dukungan fasilitas dan sarana pembelajaran serta support psikologis dari kepala sekolah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis tentang rancangan kurikulum dan pembelajaran matematika yang disusun guru, implementasi kurikulum dan pembelajaran matematika di sekolah dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pelaksanaan pembelajaran matematika di sekolah. Dimana ketiga aspek yang dideskripsikan ini akan memberi gambaran sejauhmana kesesuaian antara pengembangan pokok-pokok pikiran/ide kurikulum dan pelaksanaannya sehingga pemahaman konsep matematis dapat dipahami oleh peserta didik. Jenis penelitian ini termasuk studi kasus, dengan pendekatan deskriptif dan metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif. Lokasi penelitian pada 4 SD di DKI Jakarta, wilayah Jakarta Timur, Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta Utara dan Jakarta Selatan. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian kualitatif. Berdasarkan karakteristik penelitian ini, teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif (convcergence) yang diadopsi dari Creswell. Teknik analisa data yang sesuai dengan karakteristik penelitian deskriptif kualitatif adalah analisis kredibilitas, transferabilitas, dependabilitas dan konfirmabilitas. Temuan penelitian menggambarkan bahwa guru kurang paham tentang konsep matematis dalam rangka membentuk pola pikir ilmiah peserta didik, yang dipahami matematika membelajarkan peserta didik dapat dan pintar berhitung, guru tidak merancang kurikulum dan pembelajaran matematika (silabus dan RPP), karena menggunakan kurikulum yang dapat dibeli pada penerbit tertentu. Pada implementasi kurikulum dan pembelajaran di kelas, guru kurang memahami kompetensi yang harus dimiliki peserta didik sehingga guru kurang dapat menentukan kompetensi dasar, indikator serta materi yang harus disampaikan kepada peserta didik yang berkaitan dengan pemahaman konsep matematis. Sehingga tingkat capaian pembelajaran pemahaman konsep matematis yang dapat membentuk kemampuan berpikir logis, analitis, rasional, kritis, sistematis dan kreatif belum terbentuk secara optimal. Kesimpulannya guru kurang optimal dalam proses implementasi kurikulum dan pembelajaran matematika di sekolah, sehingga berdampak pada hasil belajar pemahaman konsep matematis tidak terbentuk pada peserta didik. Hasil penelitian ini merekomendasikan (1) guru perlu dilatih memahami langkah-langkah pengembangan kurikulum yang mengacu kepada standar kompetensi, kompetensi dasar dan indikator kecapaian hasil belajar sesuai kebutuhan sekolah dan peserta didik dan (2) untuk kelas tinggi sebaiknya diberlakukan guru bidang studi khususnya untuk mata pelajaran matematika. The focus of this research is about the teachers' lack in understanding of the curriculum and learning of mathematical concepts at elementary school, which causes to the lack of understanding of mathematical concepts learners. Teachers also do not understand the purpose of mathematics learning in elementary school and one of them to build and develop an understanding of mathematical concepts (scientific mindset). This had an impact on the implementation of the curriculum and learning in developing of understanding of mathematical concepts that cannot be performed optimally. The process of learning mathematics is less than optimal because the teacher has not prepared a draft of curriculum and learning as a guideline to be used in the learning process, besides of minimum supporting material and facilities, also minimum psychological support from the principal. The purposes of this study are to describe and analyze about the curriculum concept and the learning of mathematics composed by teachers, the curriculum implementation and learning of mathematics at schools and the factors that affect the implementation of learning mathematics. The three aspects that have been described will give an idea about how far the conformity between the development of the thoughts / ideas of curriculum and its implementation so that the understanding of mathematical concepts can be understood by learners. The research methodology that author used is categorized as case study, with descriptive approximation approach, and qualitative method as research methodology. Samples of this research are taken from fours elementary school in several areas in DKI Jakarta, Those areas are East Jakarta, Central Jakarta, North Jakarta, and South Jakarta. This study design uses qualitative research design. Designs of this research is qualitative; based on this research characteristics, technique of samples collection is combining qualitative and quantitative techniques; triangulation design, Convergence Model, that adopted from Creswell. Data analysis technique is appropriate to research characteristics qualitative descriptive are credibility analysis, transferability, dependability, and conformability. The research result describe that teachers do not understand about mathematical concepts in order to create a scientific mindset of students, teacher's understanding about learning Mathematics is how to tutoring students to be able and expert in counting, teachers are not designing a curriculum and mathematics studies pattern (Syllabus and RPP), because they use a curriculum that can be purchased at particular publisher. In the implementation of curriculum and learning in the classroom, teachers do not understand the competencies required for students so that the teacher is not able to determine the basic competencies, indicators also materials to be conveyed to students related to the understanding of mathematical concepts. So, the level of achievement in learning of understanding mathematical concepts that can create the logical thinking, analytical, rational, critical, and creative cannot optimally formed. In conclusion teachers were not optimizing the curriculum implementation and studies in elementary level, so the impact is the learning process result of mathematical concepts understanding, was not perform on the students. The results of this study recommend (1) teachers need to be trained to understand the steps of curriculum development, which refers to the standard of competence, basic competence and indicators of learning achievement appropriate with needs of schools and learners and (2) for high level students, school should provide a dedicated teacher for the mathematics. Keywords: Curriculum, Learning, Understanding of Mathematical Concepts
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