Tanulással összefüggő előagyi rendszerek madarakban = Learning-associated forebrain systems in birds

A kutatoprogram a viselkedes motivaciojanak idegi alapjait vizsgalja multidiszciplinaris megkozelitessel, madar idegrendszeri modell felhasznalasaval. A vizsgalatbol extrapolalhato eredmenyek felhasznalhatok az emlős viszonyok leirasara es ertelmezesere is. A kutatocsoport korabbi nemzetkozi tapasztalataira epulő program megvalositasaval a kovetkező teruleteken ertunk el eredmenyeket: (1) A tanulassal es motivacioval osszefuggő agyteruletek (thalamus, septum, nucl. accumbens, ventralis tegmentalis area) funkcios morfologiai jellemzese. Ezen belul a jutalmazasban es addikcioban kulcsszerepet jatszo nucleus accumbens pontos lokalizacioja, szubdivizioi es kapcsolatrendszerenek feltarasa madarakon, valamint az amygdalo-accumbens palyarendszer elharito tanulasban jatszott szerepenek igazolasa; (2) Dopaminerg es dopaminoceptiv neuronrendszerek szerepe haziszarnyas tanulasi es motivacios folyamataiban. Dopamin receptor antagonistak hatasa a memoria retenciojara. Striato-tegmentalis palyarendszerek es szelektiv projekciokkal rendelkező neuronjaik jellemzese. (3) A serkentő neurotranszmitterek es a dopamin striatalis kolcsonhatasa, motivacioban, donteshozatalban es tanulasban jatszott szerepe. Az aszpartat sajatos magatartasfuggő szerepenek kimutatasa a striatum es a torzsducok neuralis halozataban. (4) Cannabinoid receptorok megoszlasa es a tanulasi folyamatra gyakorolt hatasa. | In the research program we investigated the neural foundations of motivation, using multidisciplinary approach and the avian nervous system as a model. The results extrapolated from the study may be adapted also for the description and interpretation of mammalian systems. Based upon international experience of the group, progress has been made primarily in the following areas: (1) Functional morphological characterisation of learning and behaviour associated brain regions (thalamus, septum, nucl. accumbens, ventral tegmental area). In particular, precise localization of the nucleus accumbens, its subdivisions and connectivity, and evidence for the role of amygdalo-accumbens pathway in avoidance learning. (2) The role of dopaminergic and dopaminoceptive neuronal systems in learning and motivation of domestic chicks. Effect of dopamine receptor antagonists on memory retention. Characterisation of striato-tegmental pathways and neurons with selective projections. (3) Striatal interaction between excitatory transmitter amino acids and dopamine, its role in motivation, decision-making and learning. Verification of specific behaviour-linked effect of the excitatory transmitter aspartate in the neural circuits of striatum and basal ganglia. (4) Tissue distribution of cannabinoid receptors and their effect on the learning process.
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