Infeccion intrahospitalaria a pseudomonas aeruginosa en un servicio de Pediatria. Tipificacion por produccion de Piocina

RESUMEN Se tipifican, de ocuerdo a su capacidad pro-ductora de piocina, 51 cepas de Pseudomonas ae­ruginosa aisladas durante un brote injeccioso in-trahospitalario ocurrido en el Servicio de Pediatria del Hospital J. Kennedy de Valdivia (Chile) en el segundo trimestre de 1971. Cincuenta cepas correspondieron al tipo 1 de Gillies y Govan y 48 de estas al subtipo d. Empleando la piocinotipia como marcador epi-demiologico jue posible demostrar que el agente etiologico de esta infeccion intraliospitalaria jue la misma cepa de Ps. aeruginosa (tipo Id), como tambien, senalar sus posibles reservorios y vias de diseminacion (Fig. 1). ABSTRACT Pyocine - typing was done on 51 strains of Pseudo­monas aeruginosa isolated during a nosocomial infec­tious outbreak ocurred in the Paediatric Service of the John Kennedy's Hospital (Valdivia, Chile). 50 strains were typified as type 1 from Gillies and Govan and 48 of them, as subtype d. Employing the pyocine - typing method from Gillies and Govand as an epidemiological marker, it was pos­sible to determine that the same strain (type 1, subtype d) of Ps. aeruginosa was the aethyological agent of this nosocomial outbreak, and it was also possible to point out his reservoir and spreading vias (Fig. 1).
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