[Comparison of the state of the area between B- and Z-segments of superhelical plasmids in vitro and in situ].

The structure of B-Z junction in a cloned plasmid pGC20 containing a (dG-dC)10 insert at the SmaI site has been studied in vitro and in situ by modifying the DNA with O-beta-diethylaminoethylhydroxylamine (OHA). The latter is an analog of hydroxylamine possessing specificity with respect to unpaired cytidine. Experiments in vitro showed a complicated pattern of inhibiting the restriction hydrolysis of the OHA-modified DNA within the polylinker region of the plasmid. As the duration of the DNA reaction with OHA grows, a gradual increase in the inhibition of restriction is observed at the BamHI site neighboring the Z-insert and at the HindIII site at a distance of about 30 bp from the insert, while an intact segment (containing the SalGI site) is retained in the intermediate region. On passing to the cell level, only the region immediately adjacent to the Z-insert appears to be modified. According to estimates, about 30 to 40% of pGC20 molecules have the (dG-dC)10 insert in the Z-form when modified in situ in 1M OHA, pH 5.0.
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