Performance of Non-Prior-Service Navy Recruits: 1978-1986

Abstract : This research memorandum describes measures of recruit success in the Navy using five performance indicators: desertion, demotion, first-term attrition, promotion, and retention. The CNA data base used here includes all non-prior-service accessions between FY 1978 and December 1986. As the experience of the Navy with the All Volunteer Force has increased, so has information on the performance of Naval accessions in both good and bad recruiting climates. This research memorandum uses easily measured recruit characteristics found in the accession data base at the Center for Naval Analyses (CNA) and reviews several indicators of performance for recruits with initial obligations of three and four years. Sections of the work were alternatively requested by the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (Manpower, Personnel and Training) or by the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Manpower). The results of these descriptions of the Navy's recent experience help to identify recruit characteristics associated with successful adaptation to Navy life. The indicators are desertion, demotion, first-term survival, promotion, and retention beyond the initial contract period. Keywords: Aptitude tests; Education; Enlisted personnel; Naval personnel; Performance(Human); Personnel retention; Promotion(Advancement); Recruits; Tables(Data). (sdw)
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