R adical R adio therapy fo r L oc ally A dvanced C ancer o f U terine Ce rvix

dise ase-f re e surviva l (DFS) rat e s were 64.4 and 57.0% , and 63.7 and 60.2%, respectively. The 5-year OS and DFS ra te s of the pat ie nts a t sta ges IIB, III and IV wer e 6 0. 2 , 57.9 and 33.3% , and 57.4, 65.4 and 33.3% , respect ive ly. Uni va ria te anal ysis indica te d t hat the FIGO sta ge, over a ll treatment time (OTT) and treatment response were significa nt vari a ble s for the OS (p=0.035, p= 0.0649 and p=0.0009) and of the DFS (p=0.0009, p=0.0359 and p=0.0363). Mul tiva ria te anal ysis showed tha t the tre atm en t response was the only significant variable for the OS (p=0.0018) and OTT for the DFS (p=0.0360). The overal l incidence of late complications in the rectum and bladde r were 11.7 and 6.7%, respectively. In addition, insufficiency fra ctures were observed in 7 pat ie nts (5.8% ). Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that radi
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